Dental Insurance Doesn’t Guarantee People Will Care for Their Teeth

insuranceJust because people may have dental insurance doesn’t mean that they use it. Even though you may not be experiencing any pain or problems at the moment, neglecting to have your teeth checked and cleaned by a dentist twice per year can lead to extreme (and costly) problems later. Thanks for visiting Advanced Endodontics of Lakewood, OH. 

Having dental insurance doesn’t mean people will actually take care of their teeth, a new study indicates.

The findings suggest patient outreach and education are needed to ensure that people understand the importance of good dental health and that they use their insurance coverage to get care, the University of Maryland School of Dentistry researchers said.

The researchers examined data from a 2008 survey of older Americans who either did or did not have dental insurance. They also looked at individual characteristics such as race, gender, marital status, age and health.

Their conclusion: Providing dental coverage to those without insurance who generally don’t seek dental care does not necessarily improve the likelihood that they will see a dentist.

Getting these people to seek dental care requires going beyond simply providing insurance. Patient outreach and education are essential, according to the study, which was published online in the February issue of the American Journal of Public Health.

“You can’t just hand people coverage and say, ‘There, that’s better,’” study first author Richard Manski, professor and chief of dental public health, said in a university news release. “You need to offer some inducements, some promotional campaign, to change people’s attitudes and beliefs. We hope this starts the process of a new way of thinking about the problem.”

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