Could Poor Dental Health Signal a Faltering Mind?

falteringmind1The study below shows that people with fewer teeth had poorer cognition. Read on to learn more. Thanks for visiting us at Advanced Endodontics of Lakewood, OH.

Tooth loss and bleeding gums might be a sign of declining thinking skills among the middle-aged, a new study contends.

“We were interested to see if people with poor dental health had relatively poorer cognitive function, which is a technical term for how well people do with memory and with managing words and numbers,” said study co-author Gary Slade, a professor in the department of dental ecology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

“What we found was that for every extra tooth that a person had lost or had removed, cognitive function went down a bit,” Slade said. “People who had none of their teeth had poorer cognitive function than people who did have teeth, and people with fewer teeth had poorer cognition than those with more.”

“The same was true when we looked at patients with severe gum disease,” he said.

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